Sunday, March 25, 2012

pictures from my garden

Pictures from my garden, on a sunny day in MARCH!

I know it's really crazy, but here they are, flowers in full bloom on March 24, in Indiana!  We have had some spectacular weather here, and everything has been coming up early, and blooming! I even have lilac blooming, started yesterday, I'll have to add them in later!
These are the cerise colored primroses, they grow abundantly in English woods, they grow in my shade garden in Indiana, and can be a bit picky about their microclimate.

These are some white wildflowers from the woods,  I think I have named them incorrectly, as woodpoppies, so I'll have to go back and find them in a book, they open up as beautiful white, single-petal wide flowers.

 And who doesn't love redbud?  the ubiquitous Indiana spring flowering tree!
Oh, and so lovely, and usually the first to show it's lovely blossoms, I introduce you to Bleeding Heart. I just bought some Dutchmen's Britches in white yesterday, they are cousins to this plant.  This tiny plant will grow up about a foot tall and two feet across and be covered in blooms.  The first plant I dug up and moved from the other house.

 OH, and another spring beauty around here, my daughter, Alice-Ann, turns 16 today.  She had "glam" photos taken at dance, so we kept the make-up on for another shot.  She's prettier without it.
 The Harbinger of spring, the dainty, dancing daffodil!   Who doesn't love these babies?
 The white wildflower, just coming into its own, with a little warmth, and a little sunshine!
Alice-Ann took all the pictures, she's the official photographer of my side of the blog.  She at least gets stuff in focus!

Have a beautiful week, and look towards the glory that is the Resurrection!! 

And Happy Annunciation Day!  This is the day celebrated by the Church to remember when Gabriel came to Mary, and she freely accepted the will of God in becoming His mother. 

Today is the beginning of our salvation and the manifestation of the mystery which is from eternity. The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel announces grace. So with him let us also cry to the Mother of God: Rejoice, thou who art full of grace! The Lord is with thee.

Hallelujah!  Sing to Jesus!

Dianne, unworthy sinner

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