Sunday, February 20, 2011

Get Ready for Spring

If you have a few warm days coming in the next week or two, but suspect that more winter is coming, console your gardening self by rummaging through your garage or shed, basement, or neighbor's garage, and find your gardening tools.  Scrape off dirt, sand the handles, rub a little oil on them or tape them. Splinters are not your friends.   Do NOT buy cheap tools.  I have broken enough shovels to know that a great tool saves time and money in the long run.  When buying a shovel, or fork, or any long handled tool,  look to see if the working part is screwed onto the handle, not just shoved in and pressed together.  Two bolts or screws are better than one.  Attachments that are one solid piece, and not bits put together are also better tools.
My husband likes for me to gather all my tools, lay them out on the grass, and spray paint the handles bright orange.  This is because I can be careless, and leave them lying about, and then they get run over by the lawnmower.  several very nice handtools. I recommend the Korean Hand Trowel.    I love mine, and yes, it has been lost in the , um,, weeds on the edge of the garden, and  has been run over by the lawnmower.   Made a great clunk.   I taped the handle, it still works.  Its pointy end is great for digging up weeds in between plants, and the long outside edge is good for beating clods, whacking old plants down, and leveling soil.  (not dirt, that's what comes into the house on your shoes) Also comes in handy for waving angrily at that daggone mole that has torn up the lawn, again. 

Dianne, dirt and all

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