Monday, July 25, 2011

help!!I'm being attacked by green beans!!!

and the onslaught begins!!  went out today to take pictures of Bill in his Civil War outfit, smells and all, after his big reenactment at Bull Run/ Manassas this weekend, and noticed that the green beans have come on full tilt.  I sent some lovely new ones to a friend the other day, not knowing that would be the beginning of the bean wars.  Now I'll have to keep on top of them, probably blanching and freezing, rather than canning.  It's just too darn hot to have the canner steaming up the kitchen everyday. 
Also, the tomatoes have started to turn red, I can see them peaking out from under the leaves, so lots of tomato salads, and giving to the neighbors begins...

Also sweet peppers.

Just bought an oak tree to replace one in the front yard in October.  50% off from a locally owned nursery.  He was glad for the business.  He will keep it for me until autumn, when the tree goes into hibernation. 

Here is Bill, after the battle.  The beard came off right after this!! They were posing as the 1st Minnesota Infantry, who dressed as firemen in red shirts and dark wool pants.  This was the fastest and cheapest uniform the state could get together for the first battle of the Civil War. oh, yeah, I paid about 12$ for the uniform, at my favorite store,  Goodwill. 

Now, to get out the bean buckets and start picking!!

I want to remind everyone that if you are canning, to have have all your utensils and jars squeaky clean,  your kids out of the way, and to have your timing/pressure charts at your side.  Canning is a precise job, and being distracted, or careless can get you scalded, burnt, or later, sick from botulism.  

Dianne,  sweating to the green beans

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