That said, every bait shop and supplier in our town is out until a freeze over. With temps up in the forties and fifties here, and too warm for a deep freeze as far north as Maine, I'm in trouble. No ice fishing, no bait. No bait? No redworms.
My friend Jeff suggested digging around in the steaming horse pucky at the local saddle club. He's probably right, but it's too cold for a lazy gardener like me. So, my basement is starting to smell. Oh, when will red worms come in? So I went hunting on the 'interwebs' again and guess what I found? Amazon, that's right, Amazon, has a dealer with 1000 red wrigglers for $27. Considering the price of gas, this is worthy. So guess what will be shipped to my house this week? Worms. Glory to God. Now, I scrub up on those sweet potatoes and bury a couple in some spare sand in a plastic bucket to start the only type of taters I'll grow this year.
Here's the link, if you are interested in sweet tater starts. Get going now! It takes a couple months.
What I like about this site is that there are handy 'How to grow' links for rhubarb and more:
While you are at it, you might want to read upon the Dirty Dozen and how many you can grow if you are lazy gardener, so as to reduce exposure to toxic bacteria.
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