Sunday, March 20, 2011

Started Seeds- Heirloom Tomatoes on the Kitchen Table

We started my tray Cream Sausage, the Lemon Drops, the Amish Paste, and Hungarian Hearts today. We're planning to transfer my tray of 65 peet pots to Indiana next Friday. They may or may not be germinated. I will count and report the amount of the germinate ones. 

My mom and I moved Dad's workbench 4" light, which costs between 10-20 dollars at Home Depot, depending on the model. It uses T12 standard grow spectrum florescent bulbs. Dad whipped out the hanging frame for the light, to keep the soil temps at 75-80 degrees during the germination. He used the taut line hitch knot to make the fixture adjustable. We figure we can get two to three trays under this.  After these are germinated, they should grow at about 65-70 degrees. Here's hoping!

We're using mom's kitchen true temp thermometer to monitor the peet pot temps.  Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. very cool! Now to make sure that the "hot light" police don't come to your house, looking for pot plants......


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